Lesson 7: Build a sentence A&N, conjugation of the second group and vocabulary


Now, in each lesson we study 3 points. In the grammar part of lesson 7,  we will learn in details how to build a sentence: affirmative or negative. Then we will see the conjugation of the second group verbs and we will finish the lesson with vocalury as usual.


Première partie : grammaire/First part : Grammar


Building sentences

It’s exactly the same way as in English for the affirmative form :

Subject + Verb + Complement

Alain mange une pomme    Alan eats an apple

Le soleil brille dans le ciel    The sun shines in the sky

Le chat chasse la souris  The cat hunts the mouse

All the affirmative sentences are built on this template.

Building a negative sentence

The French use nepas to make negative sentences.

Alain ne mange pas de pomme.  Alan doesn’t eat an apple

Le soleil ne brille pas dans le ciel. The sun doesn’t shine in the sky

Le chat ne chasse pas la souris. The cat doesn’t hunt the mouse.

As you can see the negative form nepas is around the French verb. Ne is always before the verb and pas is always after it.

Important: if the verbs begins by a voyel, you have to use n’ instead of ne

Je n’aime pas danser. I don’t like dancing.

It also exists two other forms for builiding negative sentences in order to translate never and anymore you just have to replace “pas” by another word. And this point is not very difficult.

  • Use jamais instead of “pas” to say never : Je ne serai jamais cosmonaute! I will never be a cosmonaut!
  • Use plus instead of “pas” to say anymore : Je ne suis plus au bureau. I am not at the office anymore. Reverting to the above paragraph, don’t forget to use n’ instead of nebefore a verb beginning by a voyel.Je n’aimerai jamais les épinards. I will never like sphinaches.Je n’aime plus danser. I don’t like dancing anymore. 

    Conjugation of the second group verbs


We have already studied the conjugation of the first group verbs. The conjugation of the second group is a bit more difficult. But it still regular and there is no variations in its conjugation: don’t worry!

All the verbs oh this group are finishing by IR and you just have replace this end by the good termination for each person.

Here is the verb FINIR (to end)


Je finis

Tu finis

Il, elle, on finit

Nous finissons

Vous finissez

Ils, elles finissent

You only have to memorise the ends: is – is – it – issons – issez- issent

Few verbs of the second group:

Grandir (to grow up)

Choisir (to choose)

Agir (to act)

Nourrir (to feed)

Réfléchir (to think, to ponder)

Réunir (to gather, to combine) 

Exercise: conjugate the verb choisir and the verb réfléchir

Je choisis - Tu choisis - Il choisit - Nous choisissons - Vous choisissez - Ils choisissent
Je réfléchis - Tu réfléchis - Il réfléchit - Nous réfléchissons - Vous réfléchissez - Ils réfléchissent

Troisième partie : vocabulaire/Third part: vocabulary


Les couleurs – colors

In the lesson 6 we saw in details the adjectives. Here is a great tabs to resume the different color and how to use them correctly.

As you will see in the tab, two colors adjectives doesn’t change : marron and orange

Masculin singulier Masculin pluriel Féminin singulier Féminin pluriel
Black  noir  noirs  noire noires 
White  blanc  blancs  blanche blanches 
 Red  rouge  rouges  rouge rouges 
 Blue  bleu  bleus  bleue bleues
 Green  vert  verts  verte  vertes
 Yellow  jaune  jaunes  jaune jaunes 
 Orange  orange  orange  orange  orange
 Pink  rose  roses  rose roses 
 Purple  violet  violets  violette  violettes
 Grey  gris gris  grise  grises
 Brown  marron  marron  marron  marron


Describ human and animal parts

Do you know well the french color?

1. Pink

  • a) violet
  • b) jaune
  • c) rose
  • d) bleu

2. Green
  • a) vert
  • b) bleu
  • c) rouge
  • d) jaune
3. Purple
  • a) noir
  • b) rose
  • c) orange
  • d) violet
4. White
  • a) violet
  • b) noir
  • c) blanc
  • d) rose
1c, 2a, 3d, 4c.

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